A Winners Attitude

A Winners Attitude

I hear so much about goals and how this is the key to success.  Yes! Goal setting is absolutely one of the most important things in achieving success, but so often it gets neglected at a personal and business level.  So, I do not want to diminish the importance of goal setting in any way whatsoever, however, what is often glossed over is the fact that goal setting is only the starting point, and alone does not guarantee success!  Only a small percentage of people have written goals and an even smaller percentage review those written goals regularly.  Be in the top 1% – write down your goals – that is certainly a great start!

Success in personal life and business takes an awful lot more than just setting the goal(s).  Once you have set the goal, you are only in the starting blocks.  So, what more is needed?  Attitude and Action!

Put simply – you can set as many goals as you want, but until you take positive action to make a difference and change your direction, you will get the same “old” results, and this is true in business, on the sports field, and in personal life. Unless you take action, your goals will always be just that – Dreams!  Stop dreaming and act.

  • Set your smart goal;
  • Determine the actions that you will take – things you will do towards achieving the goal;
  • Take action;
  • Review;
  • Adjust;
  • Repeat!
  • Remembering to acknowledge your successes and reward yourself – often!

Do not wait until you have reached your goal to be proud of yourself and to acknowledge your progress.  Be proud and acknowledge each step that you take toward reaching your goal.

The differentiators that set winners apart are simple.

  • Their attitudes – Think like a winner.  I can do it – Just do it!  Think positively. Winners have a mindset of positive expectancy and can easily visualize the goal – they can almost touch, smell, and taste the goal and it is something very real to winners.  This positive attitude means that winners are willing to pay the price and continuously make personal commitments to Just Do It – whatever it takes.  This attitude of positive expectancy creates a mindset of persistence and perseverance, that in turn fuels action and fuels dreams into reality.
  • Their behaviours – Winners ACT!  Winners listen and learn.  Winners discuss challenges and find solutions and turn challenges into opportunities.  Winners learn from their mistakes, but importantly also learn from their successes – if it works, repeat it!
  • Their results – Winners are results orientated.  Winners are continuously measuring and adjusting performance towards continuous improvement by setting new goals regularly and taking action to achieve them.

To be successful, create an attitude of positive expectancy and above all always believe in the reality of your goals.  Unlock your inner passion to bring about purposeful action towards achieving your goals, and always feed your passion through tracking performance, and positive reinforcement of each successful step.

Winners can be recognized by their attitude of positive expectancy.

You can choose to be a winner and you can make winning a way of life.

Believe in your personal potential

and believe in yourself as a winner.

Wray Carvelas

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